Accessibility and Inclusive Design
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Accessibility for nasa.gov
A largely unsupported demographic
1 in 5 in the U.S. have some form of a major physical challenge. Sight, sound, mobility, cognition - aging brings most of us into that world
1 in 10 college students have disabilities
7 million children served by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (a different IDEA Act)
Meeting IDEA obligations
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act is item #1
Individuals with disabilities must have comparable access and use of information and data as everyone else.
Section 508 is modeled on W3C recommendations
A “refresh” was published in 2017
Standardization is the easiest path to compliance
A system-wide blueprint of process for accessibility
Coverage for screen readers, keyboard-only access, color contrast, semantic models, touch targets and text size
Reduces expensive post-dev testing
NASA Accessibility Guidance Examples
Accessibility Reports
Accessibility Final Presentation
Insights specific to each of the sections including Research, Content Strategy, IA, and SEO. Plus an Overview section on Accessibility.
Accessibility Detailed Report
An extended discussion of accessibility for Information Architecture, Content Strategy, and recommendations for Next Steps. Plus a specification of validation and features related to accessibility when considering a content management system.
Accessibility Site Quick Check
This is a summary of a very brief review of the accessibility of the 40 sites used in Phase 1. It identifies the seven main issues that were identified across all the sites.
Accessibility Audit 2020
This is a table reviewing the 40 sites in Phase 1, outlining potential accessibility issues across the site.